Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Noli Me Tangere Alternate Ending: A Mistake for Love

              The merriment brought on by her impending marriage to Linares continued to sour Maria Clara's spirits. Exasperated with all the laughter and music from the party, Maria Clara went outside to be alone in the azotea. When she finally cannot withstand the heavy betrayal and hurt that stirred in her heart, she broke down and cried her heart out.  When finally alone with her thoughts, Maria Clara began to despair over the unfortunate news that she carried with her – the truth of her...

To the Philippines

For every life that has fallen In exchange for our liberation. Lovers and lives were taken, In the midst of this valiant fight. Perhaps this plight, Is only an illusion we made, and Nothing else will matter Over time, everything will pa...

From A Young Woman of Bulacan: An essay reacting to Rizal’s To the Young Women of Malolos

by Rachelle Herrera In Rizal’s letter to the twenty (20) young women of  Malolos who petitioned to the Governor-General that a “night school” be opened so they could be taught Spanish, he praised the courageous character and good judgments of the Filipinas and at the same time encouraged them to play their role in the deliverance of the people from servitude. Despite the church’s objection to their proposal, these women managed to secure permission to go on a “night school” with Señora Guadalupe Reyes as their teacher. Back in their...

Noli Me Tangere Alternate Ending: A Father's Affection

by Victoria Margaret Calimon             Maria Clara is set to to be wed to Linares in a big ceremony in the parish of San Diego. It is becoming the talk of the whole town for two weeks now and everyone, including the women of gossip around town, have been spreading that Maria Clara’s wedding to Linares is going to be the most grandiose in all of San Diego. This situation, however, is proving to make Maria Clara feel the exact opposite. Since hearing about Ibarra’s drowning in the lake, she has never been seen...

Sunday, October 6, 2013


By Patrica Salvador “Tarsilo!” Juanita, their stepmom,  called out as she screamed on top of her voice just so to be heard. It was lunch time, and yet another typical day in the family life of Tarsilo. He had always been the nice guy: definitely modest, very obedient and never complained. As Tarsilo and Bruno sat down, they immediately delved in with the prepared meal. Their mother quickly nodged them off and said “You forgot to say your graces,” and quickly intertwined her fingers from each of the hand to a pray position....


By Patricia Salvador This is a loud cry, even a scream Of a silenced country from people Who refuse to acknowledge they can speak Stand Lead Think. If a this is a song, this expresses deep love If this is a poem, this expresses even deeper, But either's a love and compassion We often look over, rather than after. ...

Ai Mi Musa (To My Muse)

By Patricia Salvador It's a disappointment People are half-hearted Go and leave me but not; Come back, let triumph win.   All your efforts for this land, Came true few decades apart But nevertheless your bitterness Did not put waste when east arises   Your troubles may have been there But the struggle they did bare Then again, we were free From opression; Now love.   Love as astounding as a woman Attractive as a blooming flower, Blooming freedom, and the growing love For the motherland we try to keep.&n...

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