Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Noli Me Tangere Alternate Ending: A Mistake for Love

              The merriment brought on by her impending marriage to Linares continued to sour Maria Clara's spirits. Exasperated with all the laughter and music from the party, Maria Clara went outside to be alone in the azotea. When she finally cannot withstand the heavy betrayal and hurt that stirred in her heart, she broke down and cried her heart out. 

When finally alone with her thoughts, Maria Clara began to despair over the unfortunate news that she carried with her – the truth of her parentage and the horrifying future that Ibarra has in front of him. She sighed dejectedly and anxiously mulled over her troubles underneath the night sky.

“Oh, dear Lord, no one can ever replace Ibarra in my heart. I am nothing but a hopeless fool who will forever love him,” Maria Clara thought to herself. “If I truly did love him, how did I ever let such misfortunes be brought to him by myself, nonetheless? Tell me Lord, will he ever forgive me for the mistakes that I made?”

A rustling sound from a nearby boat broke Maria Clara out of her reverie. She turned her head towards the noise and was surprised to see the man she prayed for only a mere moment ago. “Crisostomo,” she gasped in disbelief and out of fright.

A few paces from her, the man in question looked unsure and grave – a tremendous change from how he carried himself before. He cleared his throat and replied, “Yes my love, it is me, Crisostomo.” He carefully took a few more steps towards Maria Clara, and reached out to hold her hands.

Maria Clara recoiled and covered her mouth to stop another wave of sobs from erupting. “Is this a dream? Has God sent you here to redeem me of my mistakes or has he sent you here to spite me further than I have already been?” Tears welled in her eyes and she angrily wiped them away.

“I am not here to hurt you Maria Clara. I am only here to tell you that I have forgiven you and you must not despair anymore. I am to go away and leave this place forever. A man called Elias helped me escape but I felt the need to tell you that I hold nothing else but love for you. Truly, I hope that you live a happy life with Linares. Be happy and be well forever, my love.”

A heavy hush fell between the two lovers and the resounding laughter from the house seemed to drown them into oblivion. Crisostomo took one last step coming to Maria Clara and closed the gap between them. He breathed in her scent and clinged on to her as if she was the only tether he has left to keep himself grounded to the earth. “I will always love you, Maria Clara,” he whispered into her ears.

“Take me with you then,” she replied fervently. “I have nothing else to live for if you leave my side forever. Linares will never be able to take your place in my heart. My family may not understand my choice to abandon them now, but I know that they would eventually. My father, no, Kapitan Tiago will forgive me, and I him, in time.”

Confusion clouded the eyes of Ibarra; he cannot fathom why Maria Clara called her father by his name. “What do you mean by calling your father Kapitan Tiago?”

“He is not my real father, Crisostomo. I found out that my life is built on a lie. My real father is,” before she was able to tell Ibarra the real identity of her father, Maria Clara was cut off by the rapping sounds that came from the door connecting the house into the azotea.

“You can tell me the whole story soon, my love. Would you truly go away with me?” Ibarra asked her. Hope seeped out of his voice and his trembling hands showed her how desperate he was. Maria Clara nodded and her eyes shined with unshed tears, she took a deep breath and said, “You were sent here for a reason and that is to rescue me from my despair. I will follow you anywhere as long as I am alive.”
              Crisostomo took Maria Clara’s hands grasped them tighter, “Then we must go right away. Elias is waiting down by the riverbank. We must hurry at once.” Crisostomo carefully climbed down the azotea and held up his hands for his lover, “Come here. Be careful of your footing.”
              Maria Clara spared one last glance towards her house and went after Ibarra. With a newfound hope, she set off into the night with her one true love. Selfishness be damned, Maria Clara thought, but this moment is the first time that she can positively say that committing a mistake is the best decision that she will ever make in her entire life.

To the Philippines

For every life that has fallen
In exchange for our liberation.
Lovers and lives were taken,
In the midst of this valiant fight.
Perhaps this plight,
Is only an illusion we made, and
Nothing else will matter
Over time, everything will pass

From A Young Woman of Bulacan: An essay reacting to Rizal’s To the Young Women of Malolos

by Rachelle Herrera

In Rizal’s letter to the twenty (20) young women of  Malolos who petitioned to the Governor-General that a “night school” be opened so they could be taught Spanish, he praised the courageous character and good judgments of the Filipinas and at the same time encouraged them to play their role in the deliverance of the people from servitude. Despite the church’s objection to their proposal, these women managed to secure permission to go on a “night school” with Señora Guadalupe Reyes as their teacher. Back in their time, the women doesn’t have the same status as men have. They are not given the privilege to vote nor to have a formal education. The only things they are being taught at home and in the church are prayers and invocations. They are also taught to submit themselves to men such as their father, the priests, and even their husbands.  Hence, this act of the young women from Malolos is surely one of the courageous acts taken by women in the past to forward gender equality in the society.
As a Filipina who lives in the 20th century when we are no longer under the rule neither of Spain nor of any country, this act of bravery done by the Filipinas in the past is truly admirable. I feel sad though because Filipinas today are passive and complacent. Despite of the many success stories of Filipinas excelling in fields usually dominated by men, there are still a majority of our fellowmen who are content in being just a housewife and has no intention of further improving themselves. The only thing they care about is their daily survival and fails to take into account the future.  Rizal also said in the letter that there is no tyranny if there is no cowardice and negligence on the part of others. Even though Rizal said this many centuries ago, this statement still rings true today. Domestic violence is rampant among the Filipina housewives and the law cannot protect them from their abusive spouses because they let their abusers get away with what they did to them. This might be out of love but in my own opinion, I see it as the cowardice and negligence that Rizal has mentioned in the letter.

 He also mentioned that God would have wanted men to decide for themselves and not rely on others on what they must do or say. He emphasized the ignorance is servitude; meaning a man  who think is a man while a man who lets other people judge him or make decisions for him is like a beast led by a halter. He even pointed out the difference between the God in the Bible and the God being worshipped by the friars. It was a good comparison of how far they are from each other. I also agree that God created men to be equal and that He is the source of wisdom. He wouldn’t want man to be hoodwinked and led like a beast in a halter. If that’s what He wanted, He wouldn’t have sacrificed His life to save ours and give us agency.
There are a lot of things he mentioned in the letter but the one last thing that impresses me the most is this quote:
“Consider well what kind of religion they are teaching you.  See whether it is the will of God or according to the teachings of Christ that the poor be succored and those who suffer alleviated. “

As women, we must be aware of the things happening around us. We must make sure that the things we believe in, our actions, and decisions in life are prudent so that when the time comes that we become mothers, our children would learn from us and we may be able to contribute in building our country.  

Noli Me Tangere Alternate Ending: A Father's Affection

by Victoria Margaret Calimon

            Maria Clara is set to to be wed to Linares in a big ceremony in the parish of San Diego. It is becoming the talk of the whole town for two weeks now and everyone, including the women of gossip around town, have been spreading that Maria Clara’s wedding to Linares is going to be the most grandiose in all of San Diego. This situation, however, is proving to make Maria Clara feel the exact opposite. Since hearing about Ibarra’s drowning in the lake, she has never been seen to smile or attend social gatherings in San Diego.

She is sitting by the window, thinking about what would have happened had Ibarra was with her today, to be married to her in a few days. Just the thought of Ibarra’s smile everytime they are alone together—Ibarra  saying the most poetic of love declarations—makes Maria Clara’s heart hurt a little more. She thinks it is much better to let herself feel the pain of a lover’s loss than be resolved with her current situation—to be soon married to a man she does not love. A moment later, Maria Clara felt two hands cover her eyes and was surprised to see that Padre Damaso has payed her a visit.

“How are you, my dear Maria Clara? I’m certain that everyone has been awaiting your wedding with Linares. I, personally, am also attending as I want to bear witness of your true happiness,” the Franciscan said.

Maria Clara could not get words out of her mouth. She was both dumbfounded by the mere presence of Padre Damaso in her own home and extremely uncomfortable that people like him is also very much excited for the wedding. Damaso has noticed her reaction.

“What’s wrong, my dear? Is there something not yet settled for the wedding? Tell me, I’ll know what to do. Oh, I hate to see you like this, Maria!” Damaso exclaimed.

Maria Clara is trembling but finally found her words. “I don’t… I can’t… Oh, Padre!”

“Maria, Dios mio! Please don’t cry. I will do whatever it takes to make you feel wonderful again. Oh, Maria, want is wrong? Tell your godfather.”

“You will do anything, Padre?” Maria tries to stop crying and wipes the tears off her face.

“Yes, darling. Anything. Just tell me.”

“I don’t want to get married. Not now, not ever,” Maria says as she looks to the ground.

Padre Damaso could not believe what he just heard. “But Maria… Why would you like to break off a potentially wonderful marriage? Linares is the perfect man for you. He will take care of you and give you beautiful children. You will be safe.”

“I can never marry anyone other than him. It has always been him. I was very willing to be with Crisostomo despite all the struggles as long as we will always be together. And now that they killed him, I have no other reason to live. I shall never be wed to anyone else. The nunnery or the tomb!” Maria says, verging again of tears.

“But… Oh, you foolish girl. Maria, I beg you to listen to what you are saying. Linares…he is a very eligible gentleman for you! He can do more than what Crisostomo Ibarra can! He will love you for the rest of your lives,” Damaso pleaded.

Maria Clara cannot say anything more. She is crying uncontrollably, facing the ground, thinking again about his dear, dear Crisostomo.

“You really do love him, don’t you?” Damaso asks.

“I do, godfather, more than anything in the world. Forgive me but I really cannot do this. I cannot marry Linares. I’ll be living a lie for the rest of my life if I do.”

“Oh, Maria. I cannot bear this. I will never forgive myself if I let you inside the convent. Believe me when I say it is way worse than being locked up in a prison cell, limiting your every actions for your entire life. I certainly would never allow that to happen to you, my dear, lovely Maria. Therefore, I have resolved to allow you not to marry Linares, if that will make you most happy,” Damaso says, tears welling up in his eyes.

“Oh, godfather! You cannot imagine how I feel right now. I am free from the heavy baggage of being someone I have never loved, someone I cannot see myself live the rest of my life with. Oh, Padre, thank you! Maria exclaims with full joy.

“I will never part with you, my dear Maria, to anyone you do not love. You deserve a full and happy life, a life with contentment. And even though you do not have your precious love with you, I hope and pray that you live your life with bright things to come ahead of you. You can leave this town, this country, and make a new life for yourself and your father,” Damaso says.

“Oh, I will Padre. I will go to the Americas and start a new life. I will live with new spirits but my love and memories of Crisostomo will forever be etched in my fragile heart,” Maria says hopefully.

Padre Damaso feels hurt that Maria will have to endure life without her love, without the man of her life. But he finds hope for a better one for her. He leaves the house and as he reaches the steps outside, he says, “God, I have terribly sinned but let your vengeance fall on me alone. Do not let anything or anyone harm Maria. My dear, darling daughter.”

Sunday, October 6, 2013


By Patrica Salvador

“Tarsilo!” Juanita, their stepmom,  called out as she screamed on top of her voice just so to be


It was lunch time, and yet another typical day in the family life of Tarsilo. He had always been the nice guy: definitely modest, very obedient and never complained.

As Tarsilo and Bruno sat down, they immediately delved in with the prepared meal. Their mother quickly nodged them off and said “You forgot to say your graces,” and quickly intertwined her fingers from each of the hand to a pray position.
Juanita always has the tendency to be nice, but also has the same tendency to be equally rude, overpowering and illogical. And for today, she decided to be nice. But eitherway, Tarsilo never the changed on how he has to be very much obedient on her.

In the same way, Tarsilo has been a very nice brother. He promised to be the best brother he could ever be to his Father, who happen to pass away a few months back.

It was a very gloomy night for them, as far as memory could hant down. There was harrassed at home, ngiht time. All of the civil guards came to a rush and suddenly held their father in captive. He was trying to defend him, for they know their father did not do anything wrong. They were filing a case of rebellion against him, and yet through all the strength they have given, they remained powerless on the situation. Their persistence to let their father go was even too much that they were threatened to be captured as well, and their father through blood-shot eyes and stared them, insisting to just let it go and something good must be bound to happen anyway. But in all sorts of ways, nothing was good after they arrested their father. He never came back home. It was pure torture – on both sides that is. Torture on their part for always thinking about what must be their father doing right now, or is he still okay or alive. That was pure anxiety. Also on their father, there was more of the physical torture. Even few days after their father's capture, civil guards went back to arrest them for rebellion. They remembered what their father said and gave into it. They thought they are almost going to die, but luckily just a few hours after being held in captive, a certain man called Lucas went out to be their middleman and got them free.
“Kuya,” Bruno suddenly uttered, pushing him away from his thoughts. “We still have to fix the dishes and continue our work in the field.” And that's when he finally stood up decided to stop thinking about how awful it was. But if he were to be honest, he is definitely missing his father a lot. He was someone he always looked up to.
Few years have past, and Tarsilo became more acquainted to where they live. He met a girl called Naya, who happens to work as an aid in the Church nearby. They got a long pretty well and they eventually got into some relationship.
“Naya,” Tarsilo said. “If it's not too much to ask you, can we keep what we have for now as a secret? Not because i'm not happy to have you, but because i'm afraid the priests might do something against you if they learned you went here with me. You can't stop and not think about that.”
Luckily, when you're in love, there is nothing you cannot say no, for most cases. And this one isn't any different. They both agreed on mutuals. It was a typical teenage love story.

The town's festivity came and Tarsilo, Naya, and Bruno went out together for a walk around. You know how Tarsilo and Naya have been keeping their relationship for a while now.
“Naya, it's getting past in the afternoon now, I think I should send you back to the church before anyone else notices. Besides, Bruno and I still have to deal some cockfighting show nearby which...I don't think you will enjoy either. I will just walk you home, yeah?” And they both agreed.
Naya smiled and gave a nodding thank you and proceeded.
It was all screaming at the cockpit, manly screaming that is. Deafening, mostly but it was typical. After the first game has ended and in the middle of the second round of games, a man suddenly approached them and said “Hey boys. You guys are Tarsilo and Bruno, right?” The two looked at each other puzzled before looking back at the random but familiar person speaking to them. “Uhm, yes that is us. You look familiar, anything I can do to help?” The guy then replied, “Of course I look familiar. I am Lucas. I made negotiations when the two of you were held captive. I was the one who 'set you free' after.” His tone was definite, and stern. Bruno then said “Oh yes, that's why. It was glad to see you again, what have you been up to?”
“Listen, “ Lucas continued. “I want you guys to be part of Ibarra's pact against these Spaniards. We are a number, nothing to be afraid of.” Eitherway, the two of them still resorted to be afraid and hesitated. The guy even added, “I know you want to give justice to the loss of your father, right? You are not just doing this for yourself, or your father anyway. It gives out to a lot of people, if that doesn't persuade you.” They held in their answer until after the game, and that's when they decided that they will join the pact.
After the games, Tarsilo couldn't keep his mind off the fact they are joining a pact. And now he is very much convinced that this is something that he would do seriously, and whole-heartedly. His views came to a change. And now he was very much sure he is ready to leave everything behind....and Naya, too.
Sadly, the terms between them came to an end. It was not very much of a good timing since they had just went out, but Naya called out to give her whole heart to understand that something bigger and more important out there needs him, and selfishness should not get in the way.
 In a series of the most unfortunate and stressful events, the brothers were then again held in captive for 10 days (and counting) because of leading a rebellion with continuous physical abuse and lack of provided food. They were hazy, and may even be not thinking properly anymore. It was something of too much to hold. Surprisingly on the 13th night, Tarsilo later found a lost key, to which luckily was a universal key to the prison sells. He snickered on his own plans and not fully planning other else except escaping. He let all other prisoners free while all guards were having a meeting at the town's plaza near the church. But since every single one of them were too busy saving themselves and running for their own lives, everyone captive for the rebellion ran away to hide and were never to be found again after days and months of looking for them.
Naya then heard about the news, and yet she was hopeful that maybe, just maybe he will come back for her since they are now free. But she may just be forever become hopeful of what should've been, because even Tarsilo lost of wherever his brother is and they have never crossed paths ever again. 


By Patricia Salvador

This is a loud cry, even a scream
Of a silenced country from people
Who refuse to acknowledge they can speak
If a this is a song, this expresses deep love
If this is a poem, this expresses even deeper,
But either's a love and compassion
We often look over, rather than after.

Ai Mi Musa (To My Muse)

By Patricia Salvador

It's a disappointment
People are half-hearted
Go and leave me but not;
Come back, let triumph win.
All your efforts for this land,
Came true few decades apart
But nevertheless your bitterness
Did not put waste when east arises
Your troubles may have been there
But the struggle they did bare
Then again, we were free
From opression; Now love.
Love as astounding as a woman
Attractive as a blooming flower,
Blooming freedom, and the growing love
For the motherland we try to keep. 

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